
AUstralsk podcast om træning, udstyr, teknik mm.

Paddle 2 Fitness was one of the first professional coaching businesses in Australia and since starting in 2008, we have coached thousand’s of development, intermediate and elite athletes. Now we see an opportunity in the podcast space with no one coaching paddlers on how to improve their technique. We hope we are able to fill this space and teach you the rights and wrongs of surf ski paddling techniques while helping to improve your surf ski paddling efficiency.


DANSK PODCAST, der handler om konkurrencer indenfor alle paddledecipliner

Alt om konkurrence i kano og kajak uanset bådtype.
Hør f.eks. afsnit Episode 7 - Surfski og Maraton - med Peter Rohde & Emma Broberg


British Canoeing Coaching Podcast

Lee Pooley, Sid Sinfield and Pete Catterall host episodes monthly so listen in as they talk about all things Coaching with a look towards helping you develop your Coaching Practice.



Surfski paddling in Northern Michigan hasn’t become popular enough for me to leave my day job, but I’m forever bullish on the growth potential. Most importantly I’ve had the opportunity to meet a tribe of paddlers all over the world who share a common addiction to the surfski paddling and all that it entails.



International viden om nyeste tilbud, oplevelser, konkurrencer, interviews mm.