24. DECEMBER - Thank you 2020


Dear you 
Thank you for reading this 
today I only have one single wish

I wish you an amazing Christmas eve
I wish you a new year where you conquer all the things you want to achieve

But I also want to say that 2020 wat not only a failed year
And I hope you don't only look back with sorrow and fear

 I know we all learned from this pandemic lockdown
I know I will look back at this as a time I could not get around

I hope for a future with no restrictions and where I can travel and explore
I hope it will start again next year, otherwise I now know I have adventures just outside my door. 

I indeed learned something from this year
I hope you did to
Let us enjoy last week of 2020 
Then focus on 2021 goals to come true

/Hugs and Merry Christmas 
