8. December
Assistance to paddle pretty
I went to Copenhagen city
I club needed my assistance to paddle pretty
The club had great success attracting young people to their club
They taught them how to paddle, taught them how to take an ocean walk
I went to Copenhagen city
I club needed my assistance to paddle pretty
We made drills, we did re-entery
Some was woopsy, som was elementary
I went to Copenhagen city
I club needed my assistance to paddle pretty
The young crowd learned a lot I got to know needs
Suddenly I shifted from drills to intervals and speeds
I went to Copenhagen city
I club needed my assistance to paddle witty
The club had great success attracting young people to their club
I taught them how to play and do intervals, they still know how to take an ocean walk
Still plenty of time to talk
Remember paddling is not only a walk in water
Paddling is a sport
- Emma B.
Merry Christmas