11. DECEMBER - Swedish pace


Swedish pace

First time this year, an international race!!
All the way to Sweden - happy happy days
The youngsters was ready to keep up with Swedish pace
OMG so looking forward for this trip and this race

Two days before travel, new rules was out
‘STAY IN DENMARK!” They said pretty strict and loud
They didn't say we could not go on the sea
We made a plan B!

- Emma B.

Merry Chritmas


9. December - A nice Breeze 

9. December

A nice Breeze 

Holbæk Kayak Club bought few skiis
They have a club often with a nice breeze
They have sea kayaks in many layers
needed assistance to become ocean skii players

Four sea kayaks, four ocean skiis, went on a trip
Half way through we changed our ship
Holbæk Kayak Club bought few skiis
Now they are ready to play with the nice breeze

-Emma B.

Merry Chritmas


8. December  - Assistance to paddle pretty

8. December 

Assistance to paddle pretty

I went to Copenhagen city
I club needed my assistance to paddle pretty
The club had great success attracting young people to their club
They taught them how to paddle, taught them how to take an ocean walk

I went to Copenhagen city
I club needed my assistance to paddle pretty
We made drills, we did re-entery 
Some was woopsy, som was elementary

I went to Copenhagen city
I club needed my assistance to paddle pretty
The young crowd learned a lot I got to know needs
Suddenly I shifted from drills to intervals and speeds

I went to Copenhagen city
I club needed my assistance to paddle witty
The club had great success attracting young people to their club
I taught them how to play and do intervals, they still know how to take an ocean walk
Still plenty of time to talk
Remember paddling is not only a walk in water
Paddling is a sport 

- Emma B.

Merry Christmas


7. December  - We have the answer

7. December 

We have the answer

“wear a mask!”
“stay indoor!”
“Keep social distance! ”
“no more dancing on the dance floor”
“No drinking”
“no more restaurant or bar”
“never touch a button, no matter where you are’
“Don't see your grandma”
“Don’t go on dates”
“Don’t go prepping yeast or toilet paper!”
“Only see you top-ten mates”

Where can we keep distance?
When can we give a hug?
Where can we meet real life, and not in an online hub?
Where can we feel free?
Where can we laugh loud again?
Where can we legally be with a friend?

We know the answer to these question and how to feel free
We have the sea.

-Emma B.

Merry Chritmas


6. December - Orange is fashion

6. December 

Orange is fashion

I got an e-mail, MOCKE Paddling wanted to send paddle gear
neopren shorts and summer clothiching I could wear

I had to answer that shorts is really nice
But winter was coming ! and in my winters the water can actually turn into ice

I got the package and I was got so thrilled
LONG trousers, LONG shirt, a completely new neopren shield 

Can you see the amazing way the trousers sit high on my waist?
I am now a totally orange Mocke gear neoprene happy surfer beast

This is not general gear, this was made from people with Passion
Mocke make clothing perfect for ocean paddling, and even make Orange fashion

‘Passion Precedes Purpose’ - Dawid alway say
I am of the same kind, what makes you happy should be your lighthouse in how you live you day

-Emma B.

Merry Christmas


5. December - Let's meet in a blue bay

5. December

Let’s meet in a blue bay

Covid came 2020, Covid never went away
I been longing so much for travelling
Meeting you, meeting new and backpack holiday
I been longing so much for travelling
Paddling new places, seeing new faces on a sunny day

Covid came 2020, Covid never went away
I am now isolated in Denmark, only driving the danish highway
It is a new situation for all, no matter where we stay
Let's enjoy the memories, hope for better days, and meet somewhere in a blue bay

-Emma B.

Merry Christmas


3. December - 100% sea kayak coach

3. December

100% sea kayak coach

I stranger contacted me, he was determined
He wanted to paddle and he wanted to ‘earn it’
I saw his ship, I tried not to laugh a be sarcastic
The kayak he had bought was 100% sea kayak in plastic

We had four sessions, even very early in the morning time
He was a fast learner, a strict improvement line

I was surprised of my own skills 
I was surprised how I taught a no-kayaker the right drills
I was surprised I had so much knowledge and experience to share
I learned I can paddle and coach, almost no matter what kayak you wear.

From now on, I see no limit.
I really now know.
Me, myself and I, make a pretty skilled paddle coach unit.  

More of this to come?
I really hope, because coaching is fun!  

-Emma B.

Merry Christmas


2. December - I bought a can

2. December 

I bought a can

In 2020 covid lockdown
Travelling, adventuring can only be done in your own town
No surfing in shark filled water, blue bubbles or with killer whales
in my county you are lucky if you see seals
Instead of a flight ticket I bought myself freedom on four wheels

My gray little girl already proved she can do everything, even drive in sand
In 2020 I fell in love with my little gray Fiat can

- Emma B. 2020

Merry Christmas
