21. DECEMBER - Downwind planning


Downwind planning

 Is wind pumping?
Is it the right direction?
Is it bumping on your level of action?
Yes? I guess?

 Do you have a car with rails on the roof?
A mobile cover that is waterproof?
Do you have a partner in crime?
Does your partner have the same kind of timeline?

Can both paddle when wind is best?
Prepare changing cloth at the finish to get dressed?
Do you have a driver with good patience?
Do you have to plan emergency stations?

 Ready set go, driving, exiting for the downwind battle
OH FU** I forgot my paddle!!!! 

Merry Christmas

Smile.  Just smile - Better luck next time…

Smile. Just smile - Better luck next time…

20. DECEMBER Talent factory


Talent factory

 Two young men
was brave enough to call me in
We started up to paddle surfski in spring
They did think surfski was i pretty cool thing
Not long after we did a downwind tour
The wind was PUMPING it was for sure! 
I knew they maybe was not that surfer skilled
But one did believe he was going to be killed

Luckily none of them started to cry
But the other one also did feel like we were going to die. 

 What can you do?
Other than laugh a bit with them too?
Talent factory continues 2021
It will be so much fun! 

 /Merry Christmas



19. DECEMBER Best year of my life 



Best year of my life 

Twenty twenty,
What has happened is plenty,
Let me describe,
By a little summarize:
January, February: oh boy Covid is in the dictionary!
Marts & April: lockdown already hateful…
May, June, July: is normal life nearby?
September and November upsi dupsi the government lost the handle, 
But December is here and we will still be lighting the candle.

-Ditlev Madsen 2020

17. DECEMBER Sh** shape


Sh** shape

You are in covid Sh** shape
You still was to compete
You fear a break down
Lose your invisible champion crown
You see the weather, wind all over the forecast
Better just compete, at least you going to have a blast
Start Go, you go, waves starts to show
You jump from wave to wave
Your body forgot it is not in shape
You paddle fast as SH**
Do record split

First on finnish line
Did they just give you the champion shine?

Reading waves is a unique ability
You can always improve and improve quality
Lucky this sport is not a young or never
It is with age you rise, because you become more clever

- Emma Broberg


16. DECEMBER Art is a privilege


Art is a privilege

Art is a privilege
The only way I can sit still
Art is a privilege
Creativity don't come in a pill
Art is a privilege 
Creativity is something to appreciate
Art is a privilege
It gives you the ability to create

Art is a privilege 
I use it it every way I can
How am I inspired? 
It is You, my traveling, my paddling 
and everything connected to the ocean, beach and sand

-Emma Broberg


14. DECEMBER - 2021 once again we try


Ready set, 46 k. to go
5 k. done the windmills and first turn starts to show
15 k. now you a joining the crazy Copenhagen City
Ship, boats, castle, WAW all so pretty
25 k. halv way
A short little stop on a island with a bay
20 k. now you are far out
It is now or never, you win or you bail out
30 k. a little downwind strikes
a little surf, so nice
46 k. you reach the finish line
reach for the stars, your time to shine

AMAGER RUNDT 2021 once again we try! 
Next year we do it again 24. of july!

/Emma Broberg


13. DECEMBER - Calendar 2021



Calendar 2021

Dear santa
Make my wish come true
I have been kind, I promise you
I wish to have a vaccine so we can travel again
Travel for competition and travel to see a friend
I want to have Goerge, europeans and worlds in my calendar
It is hard to believe it can happen in this december

Dear santa 
I love my county, I love my boy, my sea, my life, my job and home.
I can live with the cold, the winter and the rain
But Please Santa, In 2021 I so want to be able to travel on an airplane again.

-Emma B.

Merry Chritmas

12 December - MØN



When Sweden was Closed
We made a plan B
We decided a national road trip to paddle the danish sea
60 min. is the shortest road trip we have ever had
But to find a great Downwind that short away, is not that bad

The beginning was smooth 
We all had fun
But when waves turned into mountains the fun was done for some
We had to paddle to shore, find alternative ways
OMG, luckily I always keep a happy face

My boyfriend was the driver
He drove my car into mud and sand
He almost got lost and stuck to, what a great plan?
He found us all, had cakes and tea
Seems like adventure was our Plan B 

-Emma B.

Merry Chritmas
